
Hi writers! We’ve got even more exciting news coming your way, following the launch of Kobo Plus subscription services in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Now, Kobo Plus is available in Ireland and South Africa! The team at Kobo Writing Life are ecstatic to be including even more locations globally in our ongoing rollout of Kobo Plus services. We’re here to help get the books and audiobooks of independent authors and publishers into the hands (and ears) of even more readers!

For those who need some more info…

Kobo Plus is Kobo’s subscription service that allows subscribers access to books on an all-you-can-read or listen basis. It’s currently available in several strategic territories worldwide.

Kobo Writing Life authors can opt their books into Kobo Plus via the Rights and Distribution tab in their KWL Dashboard. For each book, there’s an option to choose all available territories or only specific countries. Ireland and South Africa will now be included in this list.

Authors should note that there is no exclusivity required to take advantage of this opportunity for earning revenue from a new demographic of customer that, prior to Kobo Plus, wasn’t being served.

For more detailed information, see Kobo Writing Life’s Terms of Service.

Learn even more about Kobo Plus here.

Through the new sales dashboard, authors and publishers can easily monitor data on the sales trends for their books sold in the Kobo store and also gain insights into the books read through Kobo Plus.

The dashboard now includes options for tracking your data in Ireland and South Africa as a part of this launch.

Remember – if your books are already opted into Kobo Plus in all current and future locations, no further action is necessary! Your titles will already be available in Ireland and South Africa.

To learn more about Kobo Plus, check out these articles:

If you have any questions about these exciting new launches, please email us at writinglife@kobo.com.

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