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Introducing the 2015 KoBoWriMo Team

We’re off to the races! NaNoWriMo starts TODAY, and we have a team of intrepid Kobo staff giving NaNo a shot this year. We’ll share weekly updates as we all work towards that 50k word goal. Share your NaNoWriMo experiences in the comments below!

The 2015 KoBoWriMo Team

Click on our names or photos to jump to our NaNo profiles and follow our progress!

Wendy – Junior QA Analyst, 2nd time WriMo. “I’m going to take another crack at completing my story from last year, The Legend of Enderon, and hopefully at least finish the conclusion to the first part of the story! It’s been a thread of a story what’s been floating around my imagination since I was a kid, and I really want to bring it to life.”

Denar – Marketing Consultant and NaNo Newbie. First-time novelist planning to wing it. “I am no stranger to impossible challenges. Let’s do this!”


Christine – US Manager of KWL, second time NaNo attempt. “For the last month I’ve been wavering between two ideas for very different books, trying to decide which one I want to dive into for NaNo 2015. I’m fairly sure coffee and snacks (see photo) will be the keys to my success this year.”

Mark – KWL Director, published novelist and WriMo pro with 3 previous attempts (2 wins!) under his belt. This year, he’s writing a thriller/horror novel inspired by a recent visit to an abandoned hippie commune deep in the Canadian Rockies. His NaNo advice: “Do your best to write every single day. Yes, the goal is 1666 words per day, but even if you only have a few minutes to write 100 or a dozen words, make the time to do it. I often find if I don’t write every day I struggle with falling behind, which can become demotivating and hard to overcome.”

Bessie – Performance Analytics Director, 2nd time WriMo. Struggled to hit her word counts last year, so this year she’s been more of a Planno: “I have a story in mind, I actually already started it, and have the intro and description done so far; it’s called ‘Jay Leno Kidnapped My Boyfriend’.”

Sean – UI Developer, NaNo rookie. He has many ideas but hasn’t decided which one to focus on yet. When asked if he has any strategies for hitting 50k, he said, “Nope, just force myself to at least write for an hour each day and see where it goes. Hopefully I’ll get into it and write a lot more.”


Are you participating in NaNoWriMo this year? Share in our struggle in the comments – and don’t forget to grab your prizes for participating, including free eBooks from Kobo!

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