
Setting The Price On a New Book

You will first set the price of your book starting with your default currency. If you set a list price of $2.99 USD or more you will earn maximum royalties of 70%.


Once you enter the price in your default currency, we will automatically convert to all of our other available currencies using recent default exchange rates stored in our system.

However, you have the ability to over-write any of the converted prices. And we do believe it’s in your best interest to optimize your prices in as many global markets as possible to maximize your revenue.


When you click into a field in order to set a custom price, if there is an advised protocol for pricing that we are aware of, the pop-up screen will make an appropriate suggestion. In the example below, since the default exchange rate was $6.19 AUD, the system is recommending rounding up to $6.99 AUD, which is a more natural looking price for that particular territory.


If you have set custom prices, you can see which currencies you have set custom prices for (Custom prices) and which ones are automatically converted (Converted prices) based on recent Bank of Canada exchange rates.


Viewing a Published Book’s Prices

When viewing a published book prices, only the relevant information is displayed: Your default currency list price is as well as any of currencies you have explicitly set.

If you click on View/Edit Prices, it’ll bring you to the editing screen so you can see both your Current Prices as well as the Your Custom Prices.


If you wish to change your prices immediately, rather than schedule a price change for a future date, simply click on Edit Prices and make your price changes as required, then click on Save.

Scheduling A Sale or Future Price Change

You can set up either a permanent price change or a temporary sale price for a future date using the SCHEDULED PRICE CHANGES section.
To begin, select one of the following:

  • To schedule a sale, where your regular price drops for a limited time and then returns back to the normal/regular price, click on Schedule a sale.
  • To schedule a permanent price change, where you’ll be changing your regular price from that date forward, click on Schedule a price change.

Scheduling a Sale

When scheduling a sale, you’ll be asked to provide both a start date as well as an end date for your sale.



The next step will be Adding in any currencies you’d like included in the sale:


You can choose one or more currencies to control or choose to control all currencies for the sale.



Viewing a Sale

When a sale price is active in the system, the system will notify you via a special notification at the top of your CURRENT PRICES view

The Your Sale Prices section will explicitly call out which currencies you have set special prices for. This section is NOT shown if a book is currently not on sale.

You will always be able to see dates on which you have set price changes via the Scheduled Price Changes widget.


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