
nanocrestNovember 1st marks the start of the exciting National Novel Writing Month, also known as NaNoWriMo. Kobo Writing Life is sponsoring this epic race for writers, and we have put together our own team who will be participating.

  Introducing the Kobo Writing Life KoboWriMo Team:

Mark KoboWriMoMark Lefebvre, Director, Kobo Writing Life

Kobo HQ: Toronto, Canada

Preparation so far:

I re-read Evasion, making notes about specific details that I need to ensure are consistent in the sequel. I wrote up about three pages of ideas and concepts that I’ll use to move the plot forward and also fill in details of questions and mysteries that are raised in the first book. But I also made a few notes to ensure that the book could stand alone as a self-contained thriller without having to rely on the reader going back and reading the first book in this series. However, if the reader is already familiar with book one, they will appreciate the additional layer of the story that they get. (For example, I crafted the opening lines for the “Excerpt” view for my NaNoWriMo profile and used a parallel structure to the opening lines from Evasion.



Shayna KoboWriMoShayna Krishnasamy, Merchandiser, Kobo Writing Life

Location: Montreal, Canada

Preparation so far:

I’m super excited to be doing NaNoWriMo this year, as it’s the first time I’m participating. I’ll be writing the second title in a new adult romance series I started last year. I wrote the first one in just 50 days, so I’m hoping I can beat that record this time! The series is written under a pen name, so I can’t give away any title info, but I can say the second novel will be following different characters who were present in the first book, but only peripherally.

  • I’ve already written a detailed outline including basic plot points for each chapter, because the outline is what got me through the first time around.
  • Wrote character sketches for the heroine and love interest.
  • Created a NaNoWriMo profile under my pen name: Shhhh, it’s a secret.
  • Created a Scrivener document for the book and divided it into chapters (Scrivener is the best!).

Wendy KoboWriMoWendy Reid, Enhanced Content Intern

Kobo HQ: Toronto, Canada

Preparation so far:

I’m going to attempt to dive into the fantasy novel I’ve been dreaming about writing since I was 8. The characters have been residents of my imagination in some form or another since I was a child, so I’m excited to introduce them to the rest of the world.

My story takes place in a mythical land that’s at peace – for now. A series of political and supernatural events turn everything upside down, and my characters have to figure out what is going on, and why history is suddenly repeating itself… I’m still working out the rest, including a title!

  • 1000 sheets of paper with various bits of character description, plot outlines, and family trees
  • Reopened profile, gave a tentative novel name, hopefully by the end of November it will have a real name.

Camille KoboWriMoCamille Mofidi, European Manager, Kobo Writing Life

Profile: CamilleM

Location: Paris, France

Preparation so far:

Novel Title: Cadenas d’amour et autres lubies

For my second NaNoWriMo in a row, I’m sticking to a romance novel — this time set in Paris, the city of love!

So what have I been doing so far since last year?

  • Signing in to my NaNoWriMo account (OK — it looks like I may have forgotten my password…)
  • Checking all the unread messages in my NaNoWriMo Inbox
  • Deciding to create a new account due to the huge amount of unread messages (59 since last November!)
  • Looking for writing buddies on Facebook
  • Realizing it is too late to do some research about lovelocks and bridge consolidation on the Seine (believe it or not: this is what might bring my main characters together…)
  • Finally drafting my outline on my paper notebook since I’m still debating which writing software I’m going to use for the D-day!

I think I’m ready!

Jennifer KoboWriMoJennifer  Shenouda, Receptionist & Facilities Coordinator

Profile: Jenn Shenouda

Kobo HQ: Toronto, Canada

Preparations so far:

I’m a procrastinator through and through, so apart from creating my NaNoWriMo profile, I’m still in the very early stages of planning. This is my first real stab at fiction writing, so I’m sticking close to the subject that I know best: food.  I envision my novel a coming of age story that is somehow intricately connected to good eats. I’m hoping that each chapter unfolds around a particular dish.


Bessie KoboWriMoBessie Bovolaneas, Director, Performance Analytics

Profile: bessieb

Kobo HQ: Toronto, Canada

Preparations so far:

Preparations so far include creating my NaNoWriMo profile, going to the kick-off party and attending a lunch and learn at work. I have an idea for a mildly dystopian but not-so-different society I want as the backdrop, but I haven’t met the main characters yet. I also want to finish a short story I’ve been writing first, so I have a lot of writing to do!


Pauline KoboWriMoPauline Ricablanca, Content Specialist, Publisher Operations

Profile: perilsofpauline

Kobo HQ: Toronto, Canada

Preparations so far:

  • I’ve picked the perfect app to do my writing (iA Writer for iPad), and I plan to carry my Bluetooth keyboard wherever I go.
  • I’m a planner, so I have a general outline sketched out.
  • The hardest thing is practicing to not care about typos. Teaching myself to not rewrite as a I write is a dirty war of attrition!

Santi KoboWriMoSantiago Melo, Team Lead, Merchandising & Merchandiser, Canada

Profile: smeloa

Kobo HQ: Toronto, Canada

Preparations so far:

I have spent most of my time thinking about the story I will tell. I had originally thought of taking an old idea and using it, but decided against it. I have spent the last couple of days browsing http://www.artstation.com/artwork?sorting=trending for images that will inspire me. I am thinking of doing a sci-fi/fantasy mash-up.

LizKoboWriMoElizabeth Hilborn, Merchandiser, US

Profile: bornonahil

Kobo HQ: Toronto, Canada

Preparations so far:

I’ve been thinking about several ideas, just haven’t settled on one of them yet. The frontrunner has required some research so I’ve been listening to a lot of music and reading some old articles. I may or may not write fan fiction, which could be really fun.

Tara KoboWriMoTara Cremin, Content Coordinator, Kobo Writing Life

Profile: Tara Cremin

Kobo HQ: Toronto, Canada

Preparations so far:

Not so much. I was toying with the idea of using this as an exercise in writing 1,666 words a day, even if it’s nonsense, but that seems like something that I could abandon pretty easily. After attending the NaNoWriMo Toronto kick-off party, I feel more ready to write an actual story. I’ll probably frantically put together a rough plot outline in the last days of October and continue to be frantic throughout November.

Sarah KoboWriMoSarah Tutty, Content Performance Analyst

Profile: stutty

Kobo HQ: Toronto, Canada

Preparations so far:

At the time that I am writing this, three days before November 1st, I have literally done nothing to prepare myself for NaNoWriMo. Yikes! So, instead, I will tell you what I plan to cram into the next few days:

Brainstorming session for ideas (obviously)

  • Create flexible character and plot outlines (from what I’m told, these are highly subject to change)
  • Plan out my November schedule to include mini word count goals to reach along the way and Toronto region Write In sessions to attend
  • Select a few close friends and family members to tell who will hold me accountable for my goals using a mixture of encouragement and public shaming (should you visit my profile and see that my word count is dismal, please feel free to use either of the aforementioned methods to get me back on track!)

AlessionKoboWriMoAlessio Galletti, Senior Call Center Analyst

Profile: AlessioG

Preparations so far:

I have created my NaNoWriMo account and I already have a title for the book: Persona (which in Latin has a much more interesting meaning then the equivalent “Person” in English). It’s Sci-Fi/thriller that I have been thinking about for a while, but never got around to tackle seriously. After being a journalist for almost 10 years in a different life, one thing I learned about me is that the only way for me to write is against a deadline, so this time I might actually make it! And since I will have to write fast, the book will be in Italian.

I have a cover in mind too:  http://prettycleverfilms.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/sept-ans-de-malheur-1921-03-g.jpg

ChristinaKoboWriMoChristina Potter, Content Specialist, Kobo Writing Life

Profile: Christina Potter

Kobo HQ: Toronto, Canada

Preparations so far:

I have created an online profile and opened a Word document where I have jotted down some ideas. Mostly, I tried to think about when exactly I will have time to write 50,000 words. It’s scary, but excited I’m for the challenge!

Keep checking our blog and see how the Kobo team is progressing! Share your progress, frustrations and tips in the comments. Happy Writing!

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